whatNerd's Best Articles: Board Games & Tabletop RPGs

whatNerd's Best Articles: Board Games & Tabletop RPGs

What could be better than gathering with friends around a table to play games? No, not video games. Tabletop games!

Whether it's board games, card or dice games, Dungeons & Dragons, or any number of other tabletop RPGs, there's something special about the tabletop gaming experience.

Here are our best articles that dive into these topics, whether it's to navigate social etiquette, make the most of your game nights, or even just help you find new games to enjoy.

Board Game Recommendations

whatNerd's best articles for board game recommendations and suggestions

Want to start your tabletop gaming collection but not sure where to begin? Or maybe you have a solid collection already but you aren't sure which additions are worth getting?

Here are our favorite board games that we've grown to love over the years. As the board gaming hobby continues to grow, we'll continue to have more games for you to check out!

By Board Game Genre

By Player Counts

By Other Factors

Board Game Culture

whatNerd's best articles about tabletop gaming culture and etiquette

There's an entire subculture among board gamers that can be difficult to understand when you're new to it all. And even if you're a board gaming veteran, explaining the ropes and procedures to a newbie—even if they're your friend—can be hard. Fortunately, we've written all about tabletop etiquette, tabletop culture, and more.

Game Night Tips

Game Night Accessories

Dungeons & Dragons

whatNerd's best articles about Dungeons and Dragons, including tips and tools

Dungeons & Dragons is the quintessential nerdy activity, and for good reason! It's fun, it's social, it's imaginative and creative, it's quirky and collaborative, and there are no limits to the stories you can tell as a group. Dive into the hobby with these tips, tools, and thoughts.

D&D Culture

D&D Tools & Sites

Tips for D&D Players

Tips for Dungeon Masters

D&D Gear and Accessories

Other Tabletop RPGs

Not a fan of Dungeons & Dragons? Or maybe you just want to try playing another tabletop RPG system? While D&D 5e might be our favorite way to play, we understand that it isn't always the best solution for every tabletop RPG campaign. If you find it limiting or frustrating, check out these other awesome tabletop RPG systems.

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