Typical New Year's resolutions suck. Losing weight? Eating healthier? Getting a promotion at work? Yeah, they're all positive and practical, but they're also pretty boring and clichéd.
Make those lifestyle changes if you need to, but you should also throw some fun New Year resolution ideas into the mix to help you stay motivated and push on toward your goals.
If you're a geek like us, we have a few suggestions you can add to your list. Here are some of the best New Year resolution ideas for geeks and nerds!
1. Build Your First Model Kit
There's something incredibly satisfying about building something with your bare hands and seeing the finished product. But you don't need to learn carpentry or metalworking to get started—there are plenty of ready-made model building kits that you can use to get started.
2. Find a New Favorite Board Game
Tired of Monopoly, Catan, and Cards Against Humanity? There's an entire world of modern board games just waiting to be explored, and you're missing out if you haven't been playing them. These are nothing like the old-school board games you grew up playing!
3. Play D&D Online
Dungeons & Dragons is the quintessential geeky activity, which is why every geek should try playing it at least once. I was reluctant to play it for many years, but once my friend finally convinced me to give it a shot, it turned out a lot more fun than I expected—and a lot of people say the same thing after they play an actual session of Dungeons & Dragons.
So if you've been averse to playing D&D for whatever reason, maybe this is the year you give it a try. Who knows? You may fall in love with it and discover a new hobby hole that sucks you in!
4. Kick Off a Geeky Collection
Pay homage to your geekiness by launching your own geeky collection. We know friends and family who collect everything from retro games to anime figurines, from old-school comic issues to self-painted miniatures. There's no limit on what your collection might be about—it's up to you, your interests, and your imagination.
5. Solve an At-Home Escape Room
Can't hit up physical escape rooms? That doesn't mean you have to give up escape rooms entirely.
If you've never tried an escape room before, or if you want to delve further into the hobby this year, you can always try an at-home escape room puzzle box that gets delivered right to your door.
These offer the same kind of brain-bending exercise as real escape rooms with none of the contagious risk!
6. Revamp Your Nerd Cave
If you don't have a nerd cave, or if your home doesn't feel as nerdy as you want it to, then make it happen this year! A nerd cave is the best way to express your personality without words, showing who you are through the way you outfit your home. Every geek should consider it!
7. Improve Your Sleep Habits
Poor sleep quality and bad sleep habits can have lasting effects on your physical health and mental health. No matter how old or young you are, it's important to get a grip on your sleep routine sooner rather than later. As soon as you do, you'll feel better and live better.
8. Make Your Own Cosplay
Creating your own cosplay is challenging, especially when you're not the crafty type. Even if you're not the best at arts and crafts, you should still try your hand at making a cosplay.
Start small by gathering pieces of your cosplay from thrift stores. Once you get more comfortable in front of a sewing machine, you can create your entire cosplay from scratch.
9. Start Using a Fitness App
The gym just isn't nerd-friendly. It's totally intimidating to work out in a room full of people, which might deter you from ever using your gym membership. Why not exercise in the comfort of your own home? Or better yet, use one of the many effective fitness apps that'll get you moving and active through fun activities and rewards?
10. Declutter Your Gadgetry
If your home is overrun with old devices, monitors, and collectibles that you aren't using anymore, consider getting rid of them and decluttering your space. Letting go can be tough, but it'll have a positive effect on your mental health. And don't just throw them away—sell them so you can recoup some of the value and allow someone else to enjoy what you had.
What Will You Do This New Year?
Making a list of New Year's resolutions might seem cheesy, but it can get you one step closer to accomplishing your goals. Sprinkle some nerdiness into your New Year and create resolutions that are actually fun!
And if you find it hard to stick to your plans, we recommend checking out some of these books that we've personally found helpful: