When you think of the Switch, you probably think of games like Super Mario Odyssey or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Maybe if you're an RPG fan you think of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. You probably don't think of shooters though.
But that's not to say they don't exist on the platform. You'll find plenty of great shooters—both first-person shooters and third-person shooters—on the Nintendo Switch, including one even published by Nintendo!
Why play shooters on Nintendo's hybrid console if you've already got an Xbox, PlayStation, or PC? Well, the portability of playing on-the-go makes Nintendo Switch shooters extremely convenient.
Whether it's your only console or you're just looking for shooter action while traveling, you have plenty of great options. Here are my picks for the best Nintendo Switch shooter games worth playing!
15. BioShock: The Collection

Another collection of three games in one, BioShock: The Collection is a great way to revisit these games. Or, if you're like me and still haven't gotten around to playing through all of them, actually play through them at all. And given how well-regarded the BioShock franchise is, you don't want to miss out on this experience!
14. Metro 2033 Redux

If instead of emptying clip after clip, you prefer games where you need to keep a careful eye on your ammo, this is the game for you.
Eschewing the gleeful abandon of many shooters for a tense atmosphere you'd usually find in a survival horror game, Metro 2033 Redux is a different take on the post-apocalyptic environments we're so used to seeing in games.
13. Overwatch 2

If you're at all interested in Overwatch 2, you've probably already played it. And even if you already have, the ability to play a match or two on the road is too good to pass up. The fact that the game performs relatively well on the Nintendo Switch is just a handy bonus.
Despite its flaws, Overwatch 2 remains one of the best Nintendo Switch games for several reasons: it has intensely engaging shooter gameplay, it offers a solid online multiplayer experience, and it's free!
12. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Another shooter you'd never have expected to see on the Switch when the console debuted, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is another impressive technical feat.
After a few patches, the game performs even better than it did at launch, making the Switch a great place to play if you don't mind a minor reduction in graphical fidelity.
11. Fortnite

Seeing as it's one of the most popular games in the world, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that Fortnite is available on the Nintendo Switch. Considering the game's popularity, I probably don't have to tell you what it is.
This isn't your only option for a battle royale game on the Switch, but I can guarantee it's the one most of your friends are playing.
10. Void Bastards

While it isn't exactly a true roguelike, Void Bastards is close enough where it counts. Throw in the solid shooting action and you've got an addictive combo.
While this game debuted on the Xbox One and PC, it feels right at home on the Nintendo Switch.
9. Resident Evil 4

If you want to split hairs, Resident Evil 4 probably fits better in the survival horror genre than it does the third-person shooter genre.
That said, this is the first game in the series that took it combat from a clunky exercise you felt like you had to get through to the next good part of the game to something you'd actually enjoy playing.
The fact that it was first released on the GameCube also means it feels like it belongs more on the Switch than the other platforms you'll find it on these days.
8. Turok

If there's one shooter associated with Nintendo... well, it's probably Splatoon. But that's third-person, so it doesn't fit here.
So if there's one first-person shooter you associate with Nintendo... well, that's probably Metroid Prime. Okay, okay, but after that? Obviously the answer is Turok!
The series made waves on the Nintendo 64, and now you can revisit those memories with this wholly un-remastered Turok bundle.
7. Daemon X Machina

This mech shooter from Marvelous is a game that fans of the Armored Core series have been waiting for since, well, the last good Armored Core game.
With that series' producer, Kenichiro Tsukuda, overseeing the project, it shouldn't come as a surprise that this spiritual successor definitely feels similar.
That said, the combat is more fluid and engaging, meaning fans of shooters—not just the mech variety—will find plenty to enjoy here.
6. Borderlands Legendary Collection

Have you been putting off playing Borderlands 3 because you want to play the other games first so you understand the story? Well, that's unnecessary, but you can't deny the value here. You get Borderlands, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel all in one bundle!
5. Warframe

When Warframe was first released, it wasn't anywhere near as good as the game is now. Not only has Digital Extremes turned it into a first-class third-person shooter, but made it available on nearly any platform you can think of, including the Switch.
If you're looking for something akin to Destiny on the Switch, this is the closest you're going to get.
4. Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition

Bulletstorm was originally an Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 game, which means it's quite comfortable on the Switch hardware.
This deluxe version of the game even let's you play as Duke Nukem which, well, probably doesn't mean much to many people. It's still a great shooter and one well worth revisiting even if you played it at release.
3. Rogue Trooper Redux

Rogue Trooper Redux might be a re-release of a game from 2006, but it feels right at home on the Nintendo Switch. This cover-shooter predates the Gears of War franchise and yet feels similar.
If you're looking for a Switch game that's close to Epic's massively popular shooter franchise, this is as close as you're going to get.
2. Doom

The Nintendo Switch probably isn't the best place to play this fantastic 2016 shooter if you've got a gaming PC or another console. That said, just the fact that the Switch can run this game at all—let alone in a playable fashion—makes it worth checking out.
1. Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3 is definitely a shooter-type game, but it's not your average shooter. While you can still target other players, the goal of the game is to cover as much of the level with your ink as possible, covering up the other team's ink in the process.
It's less violent than most other multiplayer shooters, but certainly no less fun. Plus, it's far improved over the already-great Splatoon 2. Give it a try! You might love it.
More Awesome Nintendo Switch Games
I'm not really sure why you'd read this far if you're not a fan of shooters, but hey, you do you. Aside from maybe yearly franchise sports games, the Nintendo Switch is a fantastic platform for most types of games.
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