Generally, video game conventions are all about the games being shown by the company. After all, we wait in ling for seemingly forever to get our hands on the latest and greatest from the gaming world.
However, when you actually take a minute to look around, you'll realize that PAX (and other conventions) actually feature some incredibly badass booths.
If you attended PAX East 2020 and didn't take the time to look around, or you wish you could make it to the show, we're going to take you on a tour of the show floor with the coolest-looking booths at the show this year.
10. XPG

XPG is a company that specializes in mouse mats, and they have one of the craziest battlestations for PC gaming we've ever seen.
9. Disintegration

This game is all about piloting a badass Gravcycle, and the booth featured a giant one of said cycles.
8. Meta Threads

Metar isn't a video game company, but rather they specialize in apparel. Their booth had these awesome-looking robots with cameras for heads. There was a TV that showed everyone in front of it with a crazy effect.
7. Rawmen

Rawmen is a cool food fighting game, and its booth was bright, vibrant, and colorful. It's not reinventing convention booths or anything, but it's quite pleasant to look at.
6. Kerbal Space Program 2

Anyone who loves outer space is probably familiar with Kerbal Space Program 2. The booth for the game is loaded with visual interest. There's a spaceship, Kerbal creatures, and lots more to take in.
5. Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquette

Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquette is a show coming to Apple TV+, and it had a really awesome booth with a giant raven that you could get your picture taken with. It doesn't get much cooler than that.
4. Fuser

Harmonix is back with a new rhythm game, and it's impossible to miss it thanks to the absolutely massive booth the company had at PAX East. There was booming music, tons of people, and lots of action to take in at Fuser's booth this year.
3. Baldur's Gate 3

One of the most talked-about games at PAX East 2020 is Baldur's Gate 3, and the booth did a great job of representing what the game is all about. There's a castle, monsters, characters from the game, and plenty more to take in. Plus, there's a demo of an awesome game, which takes it over the edge.
2. Magic: Legends

Magic: The Gather has a new online ARPG coming soon, and it also had an incredible booth at PAX East 2020. It had a giant statue, simulated flames, and giant symbols for each of the colors in the card game. It's a lot to take in, and it's definitely one of the coolest booths on the show floor.
1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

It's kind of unfair to compare Nintendo's booth to some of the smaller companies at PAX East. We're quite sure that if Sony had attended, its booth would make the cut. But as the only console maker at the show, Nintendo went all out with its massive Animal Crossing: New Horizons booth.