If you have an Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Game Pass provides an enormous value no matter what types of games you love, whether racing games, RPGs, strategy games, or anything else.
But if you're a fan of shooters, Xbox Game Pass provides an extraordinary value. For both first-person shooters and third-person shooters, the selection is vast and of high quality.
We're focusing on modern shooters in this article, so we're skipping side-scrolling shooters and top-down shooters. If we included those, the list would be impossibly long! We'll have to save those for another article.
Here are my picks for the best first-person shooters and third-person shooters on Xbox Game Pass that are totally worth playing.
15. Back 4 Blood

As the name implies, Back 4 Blood is a Left 4 Dead sequel in all but name. While fans of the original games will find plenty of familiar blood and gore here, developer Turtle Rock Studios hasn't simply cloned the series.
Back 4 Blood introduces a deckbuilding mechanic, which might sound like it could ruin the core of the game, but it's implemented well and is actually a big part of what will keep you coming back.
14. Battlefield V

While Battlefield 2042 might be the latest game in the series as of this writing, it's sadly not available on EA Play yet, which means it's not available on Xbox Game Pass either.
Battlefield V might be an older game, but it's still got an active player base and it's still a ton of fun. If Call of Duty: Vanguard isn't your cup of tea but has you in the mood for a WWII-era shooter, look no further.
13. Into the Pit

Into the Pit is part of a recent slew of first-person shooters that reach back to the earliest days of the genre. But it's not just an homage to retro games—it also packs a few roguelite gameplay mechanics as well.
That may sound like a recipe for a generic indie shooter, but the look and feel of Into the Pit is good enough that it doesn't matter.
12. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Sandwiched between the fantastic Wolfenstein: The New Order and the disappointing Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus may just be the best game in the series so far.
This game builds on everything its predecessor did in all the right ways. Play both if you can, but if you can't, you might want to go for this one.
11. Star Wars Battlefront 2

If you still pine for the old Battlefront games, sadly there's nothing for you on Xbox Game Pass. However, Star Wars Battlefront 2 may be as close as you're going to get, at least for the near future.
While the game wasn't exactly loved at launch, Star Wars Battlefront 2 has seen plenty of updates that made it a much better game. In its current state, it's worth checking out if you have Xbox Game Pass.
10. Shadow Warrior 2

2013's Shadow Warrior was a fun-yet-shallow reboot of the 90s-era shooter of the same name. With this sequel, developer Flying Wild Hog threw in a dash of Borderlands and a hint of Destiny to the mix.
The result? Shadow Warrior 2 is a much more enjoyable game with the addition of loot and character progression, all while feeling unique thanks to its unusual setting and tone that's unlike other modern shooters.
9. Prey

Developer Arkane Studios is largely known for its immersive sims, and that's definitely a direction that Prey leans heavily into. That said, the shooting is just so enjoyable in Prey that we had to include it here.
It's a shooter at heart, but there's more to Prey that makes it feel like you're actually living on a space station—which is, at times, terrifying.
8. Doom Eternal

2016's Doom was a total surprise. With Doom Eternal, iD Software had lost the surprise factor, but still managed to improve upon and outdo Doom—by embrace verticality in its level design.
Doom Eternal is as much a game about traversing its environments as it is a game about shooting demons. This means you're constantly examining your environments in a different way than you did in Doom.
7. Outriders

In some ways, Outriders doesn't know what kind of game it wants to be. It takes itself oddly seriously at times, but then gets goofy for a second, then it's right back to super serious.
Plus, gameplay elements are scattered and unfocused—but it's just so fun that doesn't matter. The game's first hour or two can be a little rough, but once you start building your character, it's tough to put down.
6. Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege had a rough start when it was released in 2015. The fact that people are still actively playing it today says all you need to know about how much the game has improved over the years.
It's not for everyone, but you won't find another game on Xbox Game Pass with this type of high-quality tactical shooting action.
5. Quake

Quake looks and plays like a retro shooter because, well, it is one. Much like the recent Doom re-releases by iD Software, Bethesda has taken an older game, increased its video resolution, and added matchmaking for a more modern-feeling but still solidly true-to-90s Quake.
It may be an older game, but it's still a blast to play, especially when you're facing off against other players online.
4. Destiny 2

Destiny 2 has been around for so long at this point that it can be difficult to remember where Destiny ended and where Destiny 2 began. But if you're looking for an MMO-meets-shooter, it still doesn't get better.
Even with developer Bungie removing content to shrink the game's install size, there's still enough to do to keep you busy for a long time.
3. Gears 5

Along with Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5 was one of the few games to get an early update for Xbox Series X|S enhancements. Of course, even if you're playing on an Xbox One, there's plenty to love here.
Gears 5 is still a Gears game, but it's a superb one. Whether you prefer the cover-based campaign or the much more frantic multiplayer, developer The Coalition was firing on all cylinders for this one.
2. Titanfall 2

Developer Respawn might have left Titanfall behind for the incredibly popular Apex Legends, but Titanfall 2 has something that Apex Legends will likely never have: an incredible single-player campaign.
If you enjoy first-person shooter campaigns and you haven't played Titanfall 2 yet, do yourself a favor: drop whatever other game you're playing and play through Titanfall 2's campaign. It'll only take you about six hours, but it's a remarkable six hours.
1. Halo Infinite

As I write this, only the multiplayer is available for Halo Infinite, but it's so good that we're still putting Halo Infinite in the number one spot. (The campaign releases on December 8.)
None of that matters because developer 424 has nailed everything that makes Halo multiplayer great. Once they fix the Battle Pass issues and actually release the full game, it's a no-brainer to play.