It seems like everyone loves anime these days, and if you're reading this article, you probably do, too. Did you know there are all kinds of great video games out there for anime fans?
No matter which gaming genres you prefer, there's a good chance you'll be able to find at least one video game that combines your favorite gameplay mechanics with anime aesthetics.
And a bunch of them are available on Xbox Game Pass, which is great news for Xbox gamers. Not all of them are good, though, and some of the best ones may not be on the platform.
Here are my picks for the best anime games on Xbox Game Pass that are worth playing if you haven't already.
10. Dragon Quest Builders 2

When publisher Square Enix says that Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a "block-building role-playing game," what they're really saying is that it's basically a Minecraft RPG with the style and character designs of Dragon Quest.
That combination shouldn't work, but somehow it actually plays really well. While this is the kind of game that's a treat for longtime Dragon Quest fans, there's plenty to enjoy even if it's your first Dragon Quest game.
9. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising falls under the somewhat rare—and entirely made-up—subgenre of spin-in games. Basically, this game is effectively a spin-off of another game that isn't even out yet.
While the world waits for the Suikoden spiritual successor Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, this action RPG is meant to hold you over until it releases. It may be heavy on side quests, but there's a lot else to do.
8. Zero Escape: The Nonary Games

Zero Escape: The Nonary Games is actually two games in one, combining the visual novels Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward into one package. If you like solving puzzles and you also like reading, there's plenty for you here.
Both of the games in this collection were loved on release, and not just by the usual fans of the genre. If you're thinking about trying a visual novel for the first time, you can't go wrong with these.
7. Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus is one of many RPGs that didn't spawn from an anime series, but ended up spinning off into an anime of its own. This stylish RPG initially caught on due to its flashy, action-heavy combat, but there's plenty of great story and worldbuilding here, too.
Featuring a dual story, you can choose to play as either Yuito and Kasan and experience the events of the campaign through both of their eyes.
6. AI: The Somnium Files

As of this writing, more people are talking about this game's sequel than the original, but you're still going to want to play AI: The Somnium Files before you move on to its follow-up—and you'll likely be left wanting more once you reach the end of this murder mystery visual novel.
This is a dark story that's plenty full of violence, blood, and gore, so be sure you're prepared before you dive into it.
5. Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age

While the Nintendo Switch might still be the best way to play Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Definitive Edition), it will definitely look better on your TV if you play via Xbox Game Pass.
The only problem is, Dragon Quest XI S's Xbox version is a port of the Nintendo Switch version rather than a port of the better-looking PlayStation 4 version that preceded it.
So even if it looks better than the Nintendo Switch version, it doesn't look as good as it could. But that aside, it's one of the best modern RPGs and you owe it to yourself to play it if you enjoy RPGs.
4. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4

The long-running One Piece anime dished out a fourth installment of Dynasty Warriors-style combat with One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4.
Even if you're not a fan of the One Piece anime, this is a must-play for Musou fans given that Musou fans speak so fondly of it. It also doesn't hurt that this is the only Musou game on Xbox Game Pass.
And if you are a fan of the anime, there's enough here that you'll want to experience even if you aren't really a fan of the combat.
3. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

Of the murder-heavy visual novels included in this list, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is the one I've personally seen recommended the most often. That alone should speak to its quality.
This game has a Persona-style setup that takes place at a modern high school. Everything is seemingly pretty normal... until a robot bear starts encouraging the students to kill each other.
We'll leave it at that, but just know this game goes to some weird places.
2. Record of Lodoss War -Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-

If there was an award for "most densely named video game," Record of Lodoss War -Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth- might just win it. And the funny thing is, the game itself isn't as complicated as its name.
Deedlit is a character from the Record of Lodoss War anime, and in this game she's stuck in a labyrinth. Simple enough, yeah?
Get past the odd name—and maybe the fact it's based on an anime you've never heard of—and what you get is a solid metroidvania that keeps things fresh with its own unique mechanics.
1. Dragon Ball FighterZ

Do you like fighting games? And do you like Dragon Ball? If you answered Yes to either of those questions, you have to play Dragon Ball FighterZ.
Sure, there might be too many Gokus at this point, but the gameplay is as fast, fluid, and fun as you'll find in an anime fighter.
Like all the best fighting games, this one's easy to learn but also incredibly deep, so you'll likely never fully master it.