It's that time of year again! That joyous time where we gather together with friends, family, and coworkers to celebrate Christmas. What better way to spread your Christmas spirit than by wearing a geeky Christmas sweater?
The "ugly Christmas sweater" has become a fun tradition in recent decades, and if you're going to participate, why not add a touch of geeky flair to the one you wear?
Not only can you express yourself through it, it might even become a talking point and something to bond over with someone! Here are some of the best geeky Christmas sweaters available:
1. Legend of Zelda Christmas Sweater
If you're a fan of Link, Zelda, and the rest of the Legend of Zelda crew, this Christmas sweater is the one for you. It features an old-school 8-bit art style, which looks great on the sweater's black background.
And compared to most Christmas sweaters, this one is quite subdued—perfect if you don't want to stand out too much.
2. Deadpool Christmas Sweater
Deadpool is the king of breaking the fourth wall, both in his comics and movies—and now you can break down the Christmas wall with this hideously awesome Deadpool sweater. Plus, it has unicorns. Who doesn't love unicorns?
3. Pokemon Christmas Sweater
When it comes to Pokemon, there are none more cute and beloved than Pikachu (except maybe Eevee?). This Christmas sweater features the lovable yellow electric-rat front and center, along with the three original starter Pokemon as supporting cast. And they're all sporting winter gear!
4. Ghostbusters Christmas Sweater
When it's Christmas time and you need a sweater, who you gonna call? If you're a geek, you should know the answer to that question!
This ugly Christmas sweater features a modified version of the iconic Ghostbusters logo (now wrapped in a wreath), along with images of Slimer, Stay Puff, and plenty of other Ghostbusters bits.
5. Super Mario Christmas Sweater
Is there a more iconic video game character than Mario? Nintendo's plumber arguably saved video games with his popularity during the late 80s, and he's still featured in many fantastic games today.
Even people who don't know video games will recognize Mario on this ugly sweater, which makes it perfect for any family gatherings.
6. Baby Yoda Christmas Sweater
The Mandalorian has been the talk of Star Wars fans for two years now, and if you've been keeping up, this Christmas sweater is the perfect way to show it.
The Baby Yoda is cute, the orange theme is rather unique for a Christmas sweater, and the Mando helmets along the trim do well to cap off the entire design.
7. Harry Potter Christmas Sweater
If you fancy yourself a fan of the Harry Potter series, this may just be the perfect Christmas sweater—especially if you're into the awesome black-and-gold theme that it has going on.
It features a fairly subtle design that's just gaudy enough to qualify as an ugly Christmas sweater, but far from ugly!
8. Space Invaders Christmas Sweater
The Space Invaders playfield is actually perfect for a sweater, and this one does an amazing job of capturing the simplicity of that ancient-yet-legendary game.
This sweater also features big Space Invader characters on the arms, giving it a little bit of extra visual flair.
9. PlayStation Christmas Sweater
This option is actually one of my favorite ugly Christmas sweaters out there. I love the simplicity and ugliness of just plastering the PlayStation symbols all over the sweater, topped with the hideous snowflakes and dot pattern.
It's a perfectly-designed ugly Christmas sweater that'll bring holiday cheer to any PlayStation fan.
10. Xbox Christmas Sweater
This radioactive-green Christmas sweater is totally on-brand for Xbox. It features an Xbox controller splayed prominently on the chest, with all kinds of Xbox-related symbols adapted for the Christmas aesthetic.
It actually looks like athletic apparel from afar—but up close, everyone can tell what it's supposed to be!
Don't be shy! Ugly Christmas sweaters may not be your style—they aren't really anybody's style—and you may feel weird wearing one, but looking good isn't the point.