whatNerd Deals & Offers

whatNerd Deals & Offers

whatNerd is all about geekism, which is why we're partnered with several geeky brands and always working to expand our geeky offers.

What does this mean for you?

You get to benefit from special deals and offers that are tailor-made for geeks like you. If you have geeky interests, you'll like what we have on offer below!

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Deals updated: May 31, 2023

For Board Gamers

Meeple Design

Meeple Design is home to the most stylish artwork and merch designs in board gaming. From beautiful game-specific posters to tasteful shirts and mugs, this should be your first stop when you're in need of tabletop gaming apparel and home decor.

You can get 20% OFF orders of 2+ items by using the following code at checkout, limited to 1 use per customer:

Game Nerdz

Game Nerdz is our favorite online retailer for board games, with some of the lowest prices you'll find. The "Ding & Dent" section is a great way to save even more, where you can buy scuffed games at even cheaper prices.

You can also find frequent sales with marked-down board games, these ones of the no-cosmetic-damage variety:

For Tabletop RPG Gamers

Forged Gaming

Forged Gaming is our favorite source for metal dice, dice trays, dice towers, and DM accessories. From campaign mats to storage solutions, there's a lot here to elevate your tabletop RPG experience.

You can get 15% OFF any order by using the following code at checkout:

For Video Gamers


CDKeys is the only video game key reseller we trust, where you can buy digital video games at superb discounts without fear of getting scammed. You can save a ton with their daily deals.

For Book Readers


Audiobooks.com is our preferred site for audiobooks. With a subscription, you get full access to 375,000+ premium audiobooks. For a limited time, sign up for a 30-day free trial and pick 3 audiobooks to keep forever.

For Home & Lifestyle


KiwiCo is the ultimate educational subscription box for children, from newborns to teenagers. Pick from various monthly crates that encourage play, science, creativity, knowledge, and more.

You can get 30% OFF your first month by using the following code at checkout:


EyeBuyDirect is one of our favorite sites for affordable prescription glasses. Pick from thousands of frames and use the Virtual Try-On feature to make sure you'll love what you get.

You can get 20% OFF any order by using the following code at checkout:

For Creative Pursuits


Skillshare is a gold mine of professional online courses for learning new skills (e.g. animation, coding, game design, marketing, photography, and more). Get unlimited access to all courses with a single subscription.

You can get 30% OFF an entire one-year subscription by clicking below and signing up today:

Subscribe for More Great Stuff

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Email subscribers also get access to whatNerd's giveaways, which are free contests where you can win cool, geeky stuff!